Blogs Nest

How to do AI Content Marketing

AI content marketing refers to the use of artificial intelligence in content marketing so that the process becomes easier, quicker and more effective.

In this post, we’re going to be sharing some ways in which you can apply AI in your CM strategy.

A bit about content marketing

We’re not going to go into detail about what content marketing is and everything. We did write and publish a post about it on our blog.

However, what we will mention is that content marketing is very multi-faceted.  There are different ways in which it is performed, and there are various platforms through which the content can be shared.

In the coming post, we’re going to be talking about AI in both some general and some specific cases of content marketing. So, head over to that blog post and read it before coming back.

How to use AI in content marketing?

AI can be used in content marketing in a variety of different ways. To help you understand some of them, we’ve listed them below:

1. AI can be used to do important research and planning for content marketing

One of the ways in which AI can be used in content marketing is for research and planning purposes.

Conducting research and planning the content is very important. By conducting research, you can garner useful data and information to include in the content, whereas planning it all out beforehand can give you a clear direction of how to proceed during the writing process.

Content marketing is done in a lot of different ways and methods. Creating SEO content, for example, is one instance of content marketing. Writing affiliate blog posts is another instance of content marketing.

In all of these different types of CM, you have to do a lot of research.

  • When you write an SEO-optimized blog post, you have to conduct theoretical research about the topic that you’re writing on. You have to learn about the different aspects so that you can easily write on it without any bias.
  • Similarly, when you’re writing an SEO blog post, you also have to conduct keyword research to find the right long-tail and short-tail keywords for the content.

AI can be used for these types of research. You can use AI assistants in order to conduct theoretical research. On the other hand, you can use AI-based analytics tools to quickly find the right type of keywords for the content.

The cases mentioned above are just examples. You can use AI assistants and other types of online tools for any type of research and planning, not just for blog posts.

2. AI can be used to create excellent content

You can also use AI solutions to create excellent and high-quality content for your content marketing campaign. This is also another use of artificial intelligence.

Nowadays, there are many different tools and software available online that you can use for this purpose. A lot of people use ChatGPTto quickly create content for their blogs, emails, social media posts, and so on.

image showing ChatGPT generating content

The benefit of using AI for content creation is that it does not take up a lot time. Also, the content created by using these type of tools does not contain grammar and spelling errors.

However, there are some drawbacks to this whole process as well. For example, the content created by AI doesn’t have a human touch to it, which can make it a bit boring and bland for the readers. It can also sometimes be a bit fluffy and not contain the right details.

To get the most out of AI in content creation, here are some tips that you can follow.

Tips to get the most out of AI when creating content

  • First of all, be sure to pick a good AI tool/software to create the content. The tool you choose has a large impact on the quality of the content that you get. If you choose an unreliable and low-quality tool, you won’t be able to rely on it to give you high-quality content.
  • Second of all, don’t delegate the entire writing task to the tool. Rather, use it strategically. You can get started by asking the AI about what you should write in the content. You can ask it to make you an outline of a ToC. After that, you can get help one each of the sections by asking the AI what sort of information you should include. And then, while you write the content, you can ask the AI to check and fix your writing.
  • Thirdly, if there is ever a need to use the content generated by AI, you should always give edit and tweak it a bit yourself to give it a personal touch. That way, your readers can stay engaged.

The main thing to remember about using AI in content creation is that your focus should be on using it to take help in the whole process. You should completely rely on AI.

3. AI Can Be Used for Content Optimization

After you’ve written the content for content marketing purposes, you have to spend some time optimizing it. Optimizing the content means to improve its quality and to get rid of any imperfections that it may contain.

If you are doing blogging or publishing content on your website for marketing purposes, then optimization can also refer to making the content more SEO-friendly.

Content optimization can involve a lot of different steps. Here is a brief list of some of the main ones:

  • Finding and removing grammatical and spelling mistakes from the content
  • Finding and removing readability issues in the content
  • Finding and removing plagiarism in the content
  • Ensuring proper organization and structuring of the content
  • Ensuring proper formatting
  • Ensuring correct metadata in the content
  • Ensuring that the content contains an ample number of visuals
  • Ensuring that the visuals are optimized

And so on.

With the aid of online AI-based tools, you can get help in almost all of these things. You can use grammar correctors to fix grammar mistakes in the content. You can use formatting tools to format your content properly with the right heading tags and fonts.

4. AI Can Be Used to Automate Content Distribution in Content Marketing

In content marketing, the way you distribute the content plays a very big role in deciding how successful it is.

Depending on the audience that you are trying to reach, content distribution has to be done in a specific way. For example, if you are marketing to an audience that is geographically based in a different location than yours, then you have to ensure that the timing you choose for publishing/distributing your content is properly suited for them.

Consider the example of a US-based company that caters to, among others, Australian customers. If this company decides to send a promotional email blast to its users at 2 PM (according to their time in the US), it would mean that the Australian customers would receive it sometime during the night…which is not the most ideal of timings.

To overcome problems like this, automation is used. If you are preparing a blog, you can automate it to be published at a certain delayed time when it is better for your audience. The same goes for emailing, etc.

To reiterate, AI can be used to automate content distribution in the following ways:

  • You can use AI to schedule an email blast a certain delayed time
  • You can use AI to schedule a newsletter delivery for a later time
  • You can use AI to schedule the publishing of a blog post

5. AI Can Be Used to Analyze and Learn from Marketing Results and Trends

When it comes to marketing, you don’t just have to put out content. Rather, you have to analyze how well that particular content performs. You have to analyze the performance in order to see how well (or otherwise) people receive it.

With AI, analyzing the trends of your content marketing trends is very easy. There are online software and tools that you can use for this purpose. The AI-based tools can provide you with the insights you need in a systematic way.

For example, If you are doing blogging for content marketing and if you are leveraging SEO as your technique, then you can utilize analytics tools like Ahrefs to check the performance of your campaign. You can look at the traffic trends and clicks that your website is getting, which the tool will systemically arrange and organize for you.

image showing Ahrefs

Source for image: HTML Goodies

Pros and cons of AI content marketing

Now that we’ve looked at how AI can be used in content marketing, let’s move on to take a look at some of the main pros and cons, benefits and drawbacks of doing this.

- Pros and benefits of AI in CM

The benefits of utilizing artificial intelligence in CM include:

AI can help you quickly create large amounts of content for marketing

One of the things that can create issues for a lot of people in marketing is their inability to create content to keep up with the demand. Before AI was around, people used to create content themselves, and it was a long and arduous task. However, with AI, large amounts of content can be easily created without any trouble.

AI helps you improve and optimize the content quickly

Other than writing and creating the content, another time-consuming step is optimizing it all. Optimizing content requires a lot of time and skill. But with the help of AI, anyone can do it in a matter of minutes.

AI helps you get more ideas for your content marketing campaigns

You can use idea generators and AI assistants to get new ideas for your CM campaign. If you ever feel like you’re hitting a wall in terms of ideas and marketing concepts, you can take help from AI.

AI can help you be more productive by automating tasks

As we mentioned above, AI can help you automate the task of distributing content. But, other than that, it also automates the process of content creation and optimization. Thanks to all of this, you can get more work done in less time.

- Cons and downsides of AI in content marketing

While there are benefits in using artificial intelligence-based tools and solutions for marketing, there are also some downsides that you have to be careful of. We will discuss some of those now.

AI can make your marketing efforts look boring and redundant

If you don’t add your own human element in your marketing efforts and only use AI for it, it can look a bit boring and robotic. A lot of times, raw AI content is easily detectable. That is why you have to add your own touch to it so that it becomes engaging.

Using AI for content creation can be somewhat risky

According to their own admission, AI assistants like ChatGPT can be a bit inaccurate sometimes. In other words, the information they provide can be inaccurate.

If you use these types of tools to gather information, you have to be careful about all the information you collect. You should check and double-check the data to ensure that it is factual.

AI tools can decrease your creativity

When you use AI for a lot of the content creation tasks, it can decrease your creativity and make you somewhat reliant on the tools rather than your own skill. For example, if someone conducts research using only AI tools, then they would not be able to do it properly themselves if the need arises.

This is why it is important to use AI in a limited capacity.

Table of Benefits and Drawbacks of AI Content Marketing

We have described the pros and cons in the sections above, but to help you understand it better, here is a table showing them all in one place.

Is AI content marketing effective?

Using AI in content marketing can be very effective if the usage is correct. If you use the AI tools to merely augment the whole content creation and optimization, etc., processes, then it can be effective and helpful.

On the other hand, if you use artificial intelligence mindlessly and without taking precautions, then it can backfire. Your marketing efforts can go to waste.

Should you do AI content marketing?

You should use artificial intelligence in content marketing as long as you’re careful not to overdo it. AI should be used very carefully. Whenever you use an online tool to get information or create content or improve existing text, etc., you should be wary of the output that is provided.

You should also not use AI for any unethical purposes. For example, you should not use it to process someone else’s content and then use it as your own without any accreditation.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In this post, we’ve looked at the role that AI plays in content marketing. We have discussed the different things that you can do with the help of AI, such as doing research, planning content, creating content, and optimizing it.

There are different upsides and downsides to using this methodology. We have described the pros and cons of using AI in content marketing in detail.

We hope you learned something useful from this post and that you will be back to read more blog posts. Check out the Blogs Nest home page to find more about content marketing and digital marketing. Also, if you are looking to do AI content marketing but don’t know how to get started, you can get in touch with us and we will help you out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AI in content marketing?

AI in content marketing means using AI-based tools and software for the purpose of creating content and sharing it with your audience.

How to use AI to generate content?

You can use AI content generators to create content easily. You can enter your required topic and the keywords as well as the required word length, after which the generator can create the content for you.

How is AI used in marketing?

AI is used in marketing for different purposes such as doing audience research, theoretical research, content creation, content distribution automation, and more.